Fellow DISHies –
I could have included a million articles, books, etc covering DISH disease, living with a chronic illness, finding hope, etc. What I’ve included here is information that I have found to be helpful when I was first diagnosed AND as I dug deeper in learning more about DISH.
I am not a medical or research professional, so don’t hold me to having done this perfectly. I just want to give you a place to start.
If you come across something you think would be helpful to include here, please feel free to email me at dishstrong@gmail.com!
*Key DISH facts – A Closer Look at DISH by Dr. Kamran Aghayev - Istanbul
*A Review of DISH (incl imaging) – Beyond Rheumatology - 2020
*Beyond the Musculoskeletal System – Open Exploration - 2023
DISH Prevalence and Morphology – Sage Journals 2022
Osteophytes mainly on right side due to aorta – 2023
Columbia University Irving Medical Center Overview – New York
Where we go next – Meeting in Tel Aviv 2016
Etiology/Presentation/Evaluation/Management - Differentiating from AS 2023
Overview – What Can I do? - Australia
A Patient’s Guide – by the Central Orthopedic Group
Living with Forestier’s – forum that is no longer active but patient insight
Common but less know cause of back pain – Natl Library of Medicine
Extraskeletal symptoms & comorbidities – NIH/WJCC - 2014
Prevalence, Characteristics & Comorbidities – Global Spine Journal
5 possible complications / Chronic Pain – Lombafit by Anas Boukas, Physiotherapist
Proportion of patients presenting comorbid conditions in DISH and no-DISH groups – ResearchGate 2021
Higher Risk of Stroke in patients with DISH – Harvard – 2021
Bechterews disease – Health & Disease News (some people with DISH also have this)
Doctors who list DISH on their sites
Most rheumatologists do not specifically list DISH on their website, and even when you call the office they “aren’t sure” if they treat DISH and have to ask. So I did a search to see what I could find….it seems that most docs who list DISH specifically as something they treat are spine specialists. Here are a few I found – I’m sure there are many more and I’m not going to create a list here as it can easily be googled – I just wanted you to see what a few look like:
What is a physiotherapist? - WebMD
What is a physiatrist? – American Academy of Physical Medicine – Bryn Mawr
Surviving and Thriving with an Invisible Chronic Illness
How to Live Well with Chronic Pain and Illness
Finding a New Normal: Living Your Best Life with Chronic Illness
You Don't Look Sick!: Living Well With Chronic Invisible Illness
Incurable Optimist: Living with Illness and Chronic Hope eBook
When There Is No Cure: How to Thrive While Living with the Pain and Suffering of Chronic Illness
A Place of Healing: Wrestling with the Mysteries of Suffering, Pain, and God's Sovereignty
Flying Without Wings: Personal Reflections on Being Disabled
Positively Rare: Empowering Stories from the Rare Disease Community